April 29, 2010

today, i'm not a looser

I lift up my hands to You
Asking for help
I was trying to do this alone
Then i was a looser

Help me
Help me
Help me, God!
I need Your hands!

I don't want to be a looser anymore
I hate it, and You know that
It's a fate for me to be a winner
You had decided it from the beginning

With You, i am more than a winner
and today, i'm not a looser

HAVE a GR8 DAY, guys :D

Far Out the BOX!

WC/CV Toilet Paper Roll
Want to find a job, but don't know where to start? Confused? Overwhelmed? Too much information? The solution is simple: Capture people's attention! On the average, people go to the bathroom 6 times a day. Public restrooms are used very often. Why not place your CV in front of thousands of people who use restrooms every day! WC/CV is a great chance to show an employer that you have the skills and experience required, and that you’re the right person for the job.
What can i say when seeing things like this...it's a LOL mixed with wondering. How far (or creative) people can find ideas. My line into this is "creativity beyond borders (plus LOL)" If designer often say "think out the box", this one is "think far out the box!" amazing, LOL (again).

ps: see the other cool inventions in here

Heart-Sport (Sport Jantung)

Yeah, that's what i felt this early morning when watched Barcelona vs Inter Milan. The game was so thrilling for both sides especially for Inter fan (I'm not an Inter Fan but i support them as Italian Football fan) Inter Milan had to play with 10 men because one of them was red-carded by the referee. That's why, the match was so thrilling coz Barcelona had never stop to attack Inter Milan until very last minutes. The last 1o minutes was the worse coz Barcelona finally scored and they only need one more goal to bury Inter Milan's dream. I pray to God so hard (over and over) so that Inter will go to the final..."Please...please God...give them (Inter players) strength and give the coach a wisdom to win this stage." Then the final whistle was there and Barcelona couldn't add one more goal. Inter Milan go to the final. An Italian club to the final of European Champion's League!!!! Yeyy!!! So excitedddd and happyyyy!!! Hehehee...Hope they can beat Bayen Munchen in final stage (Amen!)
the sweetest thing
After watched Inter's winning, i didn't sleep and i had plenty of time for my devotion. This week, i'm learning from Nehemia's life and i'm blessed. When i prayed, Holy Spirit spoke to me, "if God hear your prayer for Inter Milan's winning (small thing), how can He don't hear your prayers for the greater thing? He is listening your prayers everyday." Then, it was confirmed by the article i read. It's John Mason's quote,"When God is planning to do the sweetest thing, He starts it with impossibility." I smiled and relieved =) Right now, i face the impossibility but i know Jesus is with me and He will transform that impossible thing into the most sweetest things in my life, Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn =)

April 28, 2010

C'Monn INTER!!!

Tonight tonight TONIGHT!!!! 1.45 AM...can't wait for that time. Inter Milan, the only Italian club, who left in semifinal and have the greatest opportunity to reach final coz in the first match, they had beaten Barcelona 3-1 in San Siro, Milan. Tonight, they will face the second match in the home of Barcelona at Nou Camp. C'monn Inter!!!! you can do it, guys!! Forza ITALIA!!

ps: One of my friend in the office (Inter supporter) is wearing Inter Milan T-shirt lol...

more than all the stars

I feel the warmth of this lovely project every time i see it. This illustration is well done by Shanna Murray

April 27, 2010

joy, pray and thanks

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18

Sometimes our prayers are answered quickly, obviously. Other times we wait, and God answers our prayers in a much different way than we expected, sometimes much later than expected.

And other times, what we thought was the worst thing that could happen turned out to be a blessing.

We arrive at life’s greatest blessings by choosing to trust God in faith.
from: InspiredFaith

"This article saved my faith last April 22nd"

April 26, 2010

which one do u choose?

without God, our week is:
Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday & Sinday.

have a GR8 WEEK, guys =)

Browsing From Weekend III

See this photo a little longer then u will laugh a little longer lol
that twins must be so afraid to their "smiling" big bro :D

Oh yeah!!! A great campaign for the sleepers :D
anyway, where's the place to buy that alarm?

One (or two?) of my blogger friends must be hysterical
when see this stuffs

The most wanted pills on earth!

This is how it works...Sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful =)

jakuote #15

true love is a decision.

April 24, 2010

foodie book (the EGO)

This have been one of the toughest week for me. All aspects in my life were making a gathering in this week. I was so busy and one week before i had known it. That's why at the beginning of the week, i asked God for a strength so i can get through this tough week. Aaaaand, when u read this post, it means i'm survive! Thanks God =) This is one of the aspects that made me busy, a menu book design project for The Ego Cafe. The deadline of this project was so tight coz they had a grand opening yesterday and i only had two days to finish it. Coz graphic design is my free-lance job, it means that i had to design it at night (outside my office hour). but i enjoyed every moment of it=). This foodie book contains of 10 pages (including cover). To be efficient, i only publish five of them here (and they are my fave).I wish i can get the hard copy coz this project is one of my fave project. The design is simple but what make it wonderful is the food photograph. It helps so much to give this kind of final result. That's what i think, how about u?

April 23, 2010

Wonderful Wrestling

I want to share what i got from my sunday's devotion. I planed to post it faster but i couldn't so this is it, the "Wonderful Wrestle". On sunday, the devotion was about Jacob's wrestling with God (Genesis 32:22-32). If you read this story, at that time, Jacob's persistence made God cannot prevail him until God touched the hollow of his thigh; and Jacob's thigh was put out of joint as he wrestled with God. They wrestled from night until morning. What i get from this story is Jacob's spirit to not give up no matter what. What Jacob did, inspires me. These are what i get from the story.

1. Verse 24 - "And Jacob was left alone, and a Man wrestled with him until daybreak."
The time when Jacob wrestled with a Man (God Himself) was at night and he was alone that time. That situation represents when we live in the problems that we can not handle. Everything looks so dark that we can not see the solution and it's like we are alone and helpless. But in this verse...It says that the wrestling was ended when the daybreak came. The darkness are transformed into the sunrise. When we struggle the problem with God, we will see the sunrise, the bright side of our problem. So don't struggle alone (or feel alone) when you are in the darkness of your problem, struggle with God.

2. Verse 29 - "Then Jacob asked Him, Tell me, I pray You, what is Your name? But He said, Why is it that you ask My name? And a blessing on there."
Jacob didn't know that the Man he wrestled with was God who disguise as a Man. But after the wrestling ended, Jacob realized that it was God (Verse 25 - And Jacob called the name of the place Pniel, saying, For I have seen God face to face, and my life is spared and not snatched away) What can we learn from this part? We can learn that problem struggling makes us to know God more. When we live in hard circumstances, we will hang to God more and because we are so close to God, we can know Him more.

3. Verse 26 -"Then He said, Let Me go, for day is breaking. But [Jacob] said, I will not let You go unless You declare a blessing upon me."
At the first time, Jacob hadn't realized that the sunrise had come. The fight was over and he had already blessed. Because Jacob is a person with persistence who never give up, he didn't want to let the Man go until he was blessed. We can learn from what Jacob did from this. In hard circumstances and it seems like there are no solutions, don't give up. Why? because the sun will rise and in that sunrise, there are blessings. Behind every life struggling, we can find blessings from God. And that what God did to Jacob.

God blessed Jacob. God in that time is the same with God right now. God wants to bless us when we struggle with Him. Life is never easy...there are many problems ready to test us. Have a wonderful wrestling with God =)

April 16, 2010

House Of Health

Recently, i designed a logo of my church's new social-oriented's service called "Rumah Sehat". It is the Indonesian language for "House Of Health".

The main purpose of "House Of Health" is to give free medical treatment for people who can't afford to do that. Because it's only the beginning and we only have one doctor (Dr. Daniel Christian), "House Of Health" is still operating in a small scale. Anyone can get this service as long as they register and it's for free at all. Beside medical treatment, there's also a team who will pray for them so the patients can receive God's grace also. I can say that this service is a "Body and Soul" treatment. With God's grace, we hope that through "House Of Health" all the patients can be cured not only their body but also their soul.


The logo itself have meanings. I designed the logo as simple as it can so people can easily remember it. The shape is the shape of a house which have cross sign in the middle of it. The cross can be defined by cross (salvation) or medical icon. The green color are often used as a representative of health (in many hospitals) and it is placed in the left side. It means that a patient who enter in the "House Of Health" will get body restoration then after they get through the "cross" they will get soul restoration which is representated by blue color (the sky/heaven color = God's grace). The grey color means neutral. Everyone can come to "House Of Health" if they want.
So that's all the real meaning of the logo. I completely know that the explanation is far from perfect. But after you know the brief profile of "House Of Health", what do you think about the logo? Is it effective or not?

ps: Let's pray so "House Of Health" service can develop well and bless as many people as it can so they will receive God's grace, Amin :)

jakuote #14

My #1 personal life principle =)

LINE Interior

Hi guys...it's like a million years i don't do one of my most fave things to do, blogging. No, i'm not that busy but dunno why i don't have an intention (even a little) to bloG. Can anyone give me the reason how could that happen? Forget it if u don't need the reason lol Right now, the main issue is i'm back and i miss blogging :D

This is my latest design project. Me and my partner made an Interior Design Consultant's business ID. We made two final results and what you see in my blog is my version. I don't post my friend's version (let she post in her own blog, lol)

The project took quite long time because of revisions and maybe this is one of my hardest project because this time we must really (i mean really) understand our client's need. But finally it's done and i thanked God for that =)

April 5, 2010


Once upon a time, there was a pig bewail it's fate to a cow because the pig feels unpopular if being compared with a cow. "Why are people always talking about your sociability and your kind eyes? in other way, they always mocking me. This is not fair!! Yaaaahh, i realize, you give them milk and cream but i give them more than you!!Look, i give them bacon and ham even they make soup from my foot but they still don't like me, whyyyyy???

The cow thought a moment then answered,"maybe because i give while i'm still alive."

From: God's Little Devotional For Men

April 3, 2010

Classic Film Festival

These are the Classic Film Festival campaign designed by Canyon Design Group Do you feel something different when see them? I was =)