December 16, 2009

love surabaya

"And seek the peace and welfare of the city to which I have caused you to be carried away captive; and pray to the Lord for it, for in the welfare of you will have welfare"
(Jeremiah 29:7)The verse is the foundation of this wonderful event. Yeah! last saturday, me and my church's friends were involved in the "Love Surabaya" event. If u don't know, Surabaya is the name of my city. So, the event itself was held by many churches in this city. Recently, many churches are uniting their vision to bless this city. And this event is one of the action from the vision. We had a lot of fun that time.Starting on 6 am, we went to the the Surabaya city hall first and listened the speech from the Mayor, Mr. Bambang DH. After that, we were devided into groups to clean the city in the certain area. We collected garbage in the street and believe me, that was fun :D.
We finished around 8.30 am and that was a gr8 experience for us. We were very happy coz we had a chance to do something to our city (even only a small part) but we definitely want to do it again if there's any other chances (that we believe there will be).

"Guys, let's love our city where we live and pray for it"


  1. wooo... banyak poto ku masuk ya.. hehehe

    habis ikutan bersih2 kemaren emang miris banget ngeliat rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat akan kebersihann...

    gara2 itu.. beneran g mau buang sampah sembarangan lagi deh! entah sengaja maupun tidak!
    sungguh nggilani kalo kota kita kotor!

  2. It's good that you guys are very much active in your community. Keep up the good work :)

  3. >Valen - Masa banyak? cuma 2 kok :D Iya, bener banget! puntung rokoknya banyaaaaakkk banget!!

    >Olive - "Guys...Olive said that all of u have done a great job!" Ok Live, i have told them =)

    >Russ - community is numero uno! like family =) im lucky to be there...

    >FashionAve - Thanks! anyway, ur blog is cool!


thaaaaannk youuuuuuu ^^