February 3, 2010

hope is contagious

After "Flywheel", "Facing the Giants" and "Fireproof", now we will get "Letters to God". I found the poster accidentally and somehow i know that this is a Christian Movie (yeah, the tittle speaks itself) The poster attracted me to know more about this movie. I visited the site and i was amazed by their professionalism. Inspired by a true story, “Letters to God” is an intimate, moving and often funny story about the galvanizing effect one child’s belief can have on his family, friends and community. Synopsis : Tyler Doherty is an extraordinary eight year-old boy. Surrounded by a loving family and community, and armed with the courage of his faith, he faces his daily battle against cancer with bravery and grace. To Tyler, God is a friend, a teacher and the ultimate pen pal—Tyler’s prayers take the form of letters, which he composes and mails on a daily basis. The letters find their way into the hands of Brady McDaniels, a beleaguered postman standing at a crossroads in his life. At first, he is confused and conflicted over what to do with the letters. But the decision he ultimately makes becomes a testament to the quiet power of one boy’s shining spirit and unshakeable faith.Even this movie is not produced by Hollywood, but they manage it's promotion well. You can see it from the poster and website. They really use what they have to make a movie that can glorify God's love. I admire them and it's motivating me to pursue my dream so someday i can make an inspiring movie like them =)

This movie will be released in April 2010. While waiting, you can visit the official site here and watch the trailer here


  1. mw liaaaaaaaaatttt... wah...ada yg cakep ^^

    flywheel jg blm liat..

    jak, km pasti bisa kok ngeraih mimpimu. kan ada Daddy yg slalu dukung km :D smangatttt!!!

  2. kyaaaaa.. poster e asikk!!!
    sukak pol... sunny n colourful day..

    btw flywheel jelek ah..
    terlalu coincidence..
    ga realistis blas...

    yep! pasti bisaaa vin film mu!!! just keep walking on HIS track!!

  3. Hello, I've been busy these past few days... Good thing my mom and dad are back in each others arms again after two years of separation... Want to know more, visit my current post....
    http://passionatestar92.blogspot.com/2010/02/blessings-for-my-parents.html (Dad's Seattle and Vancouver Trip)


  4. iya aku jg lom nonton flywheel...
    ayo vin bt movie... kubuatkan musicnya... test short klip donk... stock2 lama mu kirim ke aku, aku mo latih bt scoring nih ^^ trs nti ku kirim balik, biar dpt feedback

  5. >Bee - Iyaaaa...ntar diliat bareng2 di komsel yo hehehe...Amin, pasti bisa!! :D

    >Valen - Iya to? poster e emang eye catching banget...gara2 poster ini, aku sampe tertarik cari2 infonya..it works!

    >Ailee - Will be there =)

    >Jos - One of my goal setting in this year is make a movie and aku PASTI nglibatin kamu n Valen untuk buat score nya...Yeee!!! i'm so exciteddd!!! Ini lagi cari2 ide untuk bikin scriptnya...will let u know soon, Jos!

  6. ayokkkkkk diteruskan perjalanan, exercise dan strategi2nya secara detail u/ menjadi director. berbekal 'dream test' kemaren.. hehehe

    *aku ya lagi ada small project u/ mengasah way to dream nih vin... :D


thaaaaannk youuuuuuu ^^