September 1, 2009

september ceria

In Indonesia, there's a nice line to welcome the ninth month, it is "september ceria" (ceria=joyful). I've been busy with many tasks in office lately and i think it will continue in this month. But, i don't wanna complain at all, i want to welcome this september with joyful and enthusiasm. I hope you will do the same too. And hope my latest piece above can add a little joyful to ur life =)


  1. Jak... topenge rodo medeni lho...
    For me it's more spooky and cheerful.
    I've got goosebumps :p

  2. jelas ceria :) kan libur 2 minggu llllol
    dan aku ultah bulan ini hurray!!!! :p

    and, sorry to say, i agree with febe..the mask is rather spooky

  3. >Feb&Deb - i know the mask is spooky...but i still put it into the design..i feel there's something joyful on it's expression..So, i guess the design must be titled "September Spooky" =)


thaaaaannk youuuuuuu ^^