October 26, 2009

i want to live here!!

Find your dream house in here and here


  1. WHOA! That is sooo cool! Edgy but it still looks cozy.Ü

  2. OMG!! once again OMG! I found my dream house..Love it..I especially adore the giant bookshelves!!

    This is what I wanted to say this afternoon, but failed..

  3. love it as well. im more of the new age designs than those centuries old designs.

  4. kotak bangeeeettttttt??? Tp ku paling suka rak bukunya. menjulang setinggi dinding. ambil bukunya gmn y?

  5. >Russ - i laughed when read ur 'WHOA!' ha3 Yes, i can imagine i read all my comics there =)

    >Olive - Finally ha3...Yes, the bookshelves is "Oh My God!" find the other from that link liv =)

    >Jenie - Those centuries old designs can be great but i prefer this new age minimalis design for my future home (Amen!)

    >Ce Deb - Yeahh!! Bangettttttttt (huruf t-ku lebih byk punyaku =P). Ngambilnya ya pake tangga dong!


thaaaaannk youuuuuuu ^^