Once upon a time, there was a knight
In his life, he had missions
One of it, is he had to save his friend from a monster
But, the monster was so powerful
It was impossible to beat the monster with his strength
The knight realized that he couldn't beat the monster
He started to believe he couldn't save his friend
But, he heard his friend's scream every time he closed his eyes
The despair of his friend haunted him every night
The knight felt frustrated by his weakness
One day, a beautiful White Dove came to the knight
The White Dove spoke to him that he didn't need to be afraid
The White Dove will give him a power to beat the monster
Even, The White Dove would go to the battle with him
"Rise a knight! Rise a knight!!" said The White Dove
The battle had begun
The knight faced the monster fearlessly
There was a sword on his right hand and a shield on his left hand
The White Dove flied on surround him
Gave the unlimited spirit from behind the knight
Then, the monster assaulted the knight with a massive strikes
The knight protected himself with the shield
But, the monster was never giving up to attack him
The knight always aware that he was not alone in the battle
There still was The White Dove on his back, never leave him
"It's time!" The White Dove whispered
The knight responded the whisper with his right hand’s movement
The sword came up from behind the shield so fast
It slashed the monster with an unbelievable power
The monster screamed in pain and evaporated into a dust
The chain that tied his friend was breaking away
The knight was set him free
But, it was not about the knight
The knight could never release his friend without The White Dove
Now, the knight has a partner to accomplish his other missions
-October 31st 2008-
Fuiihh...akhirnya target tiga post per bulan tercapai hahahaaa...mestinya aku mau isi sama post "10 things about jak" (tugas dari sesama blogger) tapi tadi malem tiba2 aku bisa nyelesaiin post ini (emang prosesnya udah dari dua hari yang lalu) trus langsung aku gambar ilustrasinya and it's done!! Here i present you "A Knight's Tale"
ReplyDeletePost kali ini berbicara mengenai peperangan rohani yang terjadi kita berdoa untuk keselamatan seseorang.
"Ksatria" di sini adalah kita yang emang nggak berdaya nglawan si "monster" a.k.a si iblis. Selama ini mungkin kita berdoa untuk keselamatan teman/keluarga kita pada Tuhan tapi kita nggak pernah nglibatin "Merpati Putih" a.k.a Tuhan sendiri dalam doa kita.
Padahal ketika kita berdoa untuk keselamatan mereka, si iblis masih mengikat mereka dengan kuat dalam kuasa dosa; sehingga kita putus asa dengan doa kita (kalah).
Untungnya Tuhan itu baik :) Dia nggak akan pernah meninggalkan apalagi membiarkan kita dikalahin si iblis. Dia lihat jauh ke dalam hati kita bahwa kita ingin teman/ keluarga kita diselamatkan.
Doa2 yang kita ucapkan tiap hari adalah perisai yang melindungi kita dari serangan balik si iblis sementara pedang itu melambangkan Firman Tuhan yang kita renungkan dan ucapkan. Kita harus memiliki keduannya untuk maju ke medan perang. Ayo, kita rebut teman2/keluarga kita dari si monster!!!
"So, Rise A Knight! Rise A Knight!! The White Dove is always be on your back to give you an unlimited spirit"
Big Bro, cool writing!!
ReplyDeleteand cool drawing too..
ajari!!!!!! jok medit2!!
it's very2 'diao' (like Jay said)
thx dah bikin post ini..
aku jadi kroso seakan2 aku iki ksatria dan jd semangat lagi untuk berjuang dengan mengandalkan the white dove..
wah2, dah pinter ngedongeng ngene..
brarti dah lumayan prepare buat jadi papa neeh.
mbek sapa ya??^^
wahhh asik tuh...
ReplyDeletesekarang vocabulary nya dah mulai meningkat... tadi aku sampe buka kamus tuh, nyari arti kata 'despair'
jangan-jangan kisah ini terinspirasi dari diklat doa mu ya...
keren keren
cool cool
btw.... ditunggu loh 10 things nyaaa
ReplyDeletepr tuh vin .... pr!!!!
waaaaa baru aja mo comment ini ttg peperangan rohani yah...ternyata aku baca comment mu n bener...hahaha nice job JAK well dOne...
ReplyDeleteYour post strengthens me....
ReplyDeletei almost give up in beaten the monster who held m parents...
Your post refills my energy...
Thank youu :)
~ let's beat the monster!!!!!
hi jak,
ReplyDeleteInggris nya OK lho..Grammarnya and vocabnya pas ^^
saluttt...i musti belajar banyak ne kyknya :P
buat isi blog nya...
imajinasinya tingkat tinggi, penggunaan kata2 nya menarik..
LOVe it ^^
To: Kevin-> Nice that you like the post...it's TRUE that you're a Knight Of God!
ReplyDeleteTo: Valen -> Ya...ya...aku akan ingat pe-er-nya, sabar ya hahahahaa...
To: Telz -> Thank You ^_^
To: Island-> Let's beat the monster!!!
To: Colleen-> Yang mesti belajar tuh mestinya aku...but thank you for the comments ^_^
wah...keren, jak..keren banget hehe.. ini to hasilnya diklat doa hehehe..
ReplyDeleteyes! kita kalahkan si jahat dengan darah Anak Domba dan dengan perkataan kesaksian kita. menyitir edy: Never give up!
uugghhh jak number one!!! ngga salah deh minggu lalu setiap hari aku di jkt ngomongin kamu!! hidup jak!!
ReplyDeleteNgomongin ato ngegosipin?? Hahahahahaaa...
ReplyDeleteThanks for Ce Deb n Levina ^_^
waahh ni to yg menyangkut hidup mu??hihihi ada pergumulan yaaaaa..
ReplyDeletebtw, yup! bener.. sumtimes qta sibuk dgn diri qta sendiri, qta mrasa kuat dan mrasa bisa mengatasi segala hal.. yg nanti pd akhirnya qta capek sendiri dan menyerah.. karena qta terbatas .. tp qta punya BAPA yg tidak terbatas.. THE WHITE DOVE yg sll SETIA.. dan pengen banget bertempur bareng qta.. terlibat dalam setiap aspek kehidupan qta.. tp qta sering melupakan DIA.. dan ga melibatkan DIA..
Padahal DIA selalu ADA buat qta smua.. dan tidak perna melupakan qta.. ^^
eniwey.. aku menanti filmmu JAK!!.. film bikinan sutradara JAK..!! GAMBATE!! figThing!!^^
GOD bLesS..^^
Nggak Nike, aku bilang menyangkut hidupku itu tiru2 sms-mu kemaren hahahaaaa....
ReplyDeleteAmien!!! DIA emang selalu ADA dan NGGAK pernah melupakan atau membuang kita...
When you go back to Surabaya the next december, you'll see the movie ^^
makae ayooo cepetan balikkk!!!