It's closer...my own movie media....Gosh...i can't wait by the time it is published on November 1st. I surrender this business to YOU, Lord. May only YOUR blessing which keep this up, uP and UP!
i will explain more about it later, guys..Right now, i'm in hectic time to find an advertisement before Movie Pos publish. Your support means a lot to me =)
wow !!! feel happy to see this vin !
ReplyDeleteso you're the one who add me in twitter...
sorry, i've declined your follow request just before i saw your blog now :)
and do u have any twit account? i'll follow !
Wuaaaa.... Keren abis Jak. This my first look on the design of movie post and I can tell you I am very much impressed! Best of luck pal!
ReplyDeleteHalo Jak. Long time no see. Wah senangnya salah satu impianmu bisa jalan donk. I'm personally looking forward to it. Nanti aku minta dikirimin yah XD Yayy!!
ReplyDeleteaku langganan!! dikirim kayak jawa pos gt to john??
ReplyDelete>Jos - That's okay Jos...Moviepos twitter account is : www.twitter.com/movie pos
ReplyDelete>Feb - You haven't seen the update one hahaha...thanks anyway, pal!
Jess - Hey Jess...long time no see...Hehehe iya, seneng soro walau capek sampe nggak ngeblog...By the time u find it, share to us, your blogger friend okay?
ReplyDelete>Wewe - Hahaha We..ini dianter random di rumah2 Surabaya Timur, cetaknya masi terbatas soale..sorry...tapi kalo mau bisa ambil di Wins Disc Dharmahusada....
owala jak.. takpikir bisa langganan kayak jawapos gt, dan lek langganan kan biasane dapet harga diskon ^^;
ReplyDeleteoh aku baru ngeh lek ini media gratis.. hahaha maklum rodok lemot nih.. hahaha
ReplyDelete>Wewe - Hahaha...iya, di atas brosure ada tulisane media gratis...Gpp We, ntar pas aku sempet ke sana, kamu takbawano satu...How's work?