August 18, 2009

Happy 24th Birthday Febe!

This is a special card, Feb...i wish all the best things happen in ur life so dont let ur hope fade out...Oh, and i have a fashion quote for you,

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” - Coco Chanel

well, enjoy ur fabulous day =)


  1. pacarnya ultah yyaa//(bikin gosip)

  2. >Nani - every reader and loyal reader here are "pacar"nya thousand sunny, including you, Nan =)

    They will get their special birthday card so wait for yours too...

    btw, how's the design? i want to know the opinion (or critics) from the Master of Arts...

  3. oke lah jak.. buat ultahku kapan hari mana??? di facebook juga boleh hehehe...

  4. >Xiang - Udah lewat Xiang ultahmu...buat tahun depan aja ya..hehehee...

  5. Wuaaaa.... I just realized I've not inputted the validation word, so my comments are all missing... Gotta re-write them all...

    Thanks for the design Jak! Love it. How do you know my fave color combination? It's white, red, black and gray...

    But it's a bit too much even for me. I'm not a fashion genius, at least not yet :P

    Anyway..... Thannnnnnkkkkk yooouuuu!!!!


thaaaaannk youuuuuuu ^^